Say goodbye to snacking and overeating

The free app that helps you overcome cravings and overeating. Ambrise becomes your best ally against food addiction and eating disorders.

Do you often find yourself giving in to the temptation of a cake or a sweet snack? Are you struggling to control your snacking urges, especially when it comes to fatty or sugary foods? The free app Ambrise is designed to help you better manage your eating impulses.

The application is primarily intended for people suffering from:

  • Eating disorders (ED)

  • Bulimia

  • Compulsive snacking

  • Binge eating disorder

  • Night eating syndrome

  • Potomania

Some symptoms and behaviors may be warning signs:

  • Uncontrolled eating behaviors

  • Significant weight gain

  • Mood changes

  • Body image concerns

With Ambrise, you can access detailed statistics on your snacking and eating excesses, allowing you to understand the underlying causes and find tailored solutions. The app also features a selection of articles and practical tips to support you in your journey toward a more balanced lifestyle. Take control of your eating habits and move toward a healthier life with Ambrise.

We designed our app based on two essential principles:

Supporting you in managing your snacking cravings by offering healthier alternatives.

  • Assisting you in daily tracking of your snacking habits and analyzing your progress.

  • Excessive snacking often stems from a personal issue, sometimes unconscious, and is generally linked to a search for comfort or escape.

It was with the hope of addressing this problem that we decided to create the Ambrise app.

By installing the Ambrise app, you've already taken a major step toward awareness and action.

Let's begin your journey to a healthier, more fulfilling life today.

Ambrise is an app designed to help combat binge eating and bulimia by providing personalized support to better manage cravings and overeating. With tools based on mindfulness, emotional tracking, and tailored nutritional advice, Ambrise helps users understand their eating behaviors and adopt healthier habits. Its compassionate approach encourages regaining control over food choices without guilt, focusing on self-awareness and long-term well-being.